Hello HP Thunder organization. As some of you have been on this coach’s team, we are recognizing and acknowledging an incredible volunteer! This person has donated his time and dedication to our HP Thunder players, and the sport he loves for over 13 years. He has most recently coached our Bantam and Midget teams, in the past he has coached Squirts and Pee Wee’s. This coach has won seven Valley League Championships, across all ages and levels. He has brought hardware home from Squirts to Midgets levels. He has brought hardware home at Single A to Triple AAA levels. He was also a board member for two years. We are recognizing our own, Jon Farmer.

Unfortunately, as some of you may know, Jon has had to step away from coaching this year to take on a different battle far more important than hockey, cancer.

Jon is approaching this battle the same way he played and coached, by never backing down, never giving up, and by focusing on positive thoughts. We know Jon’s competitive mindset, and positive outlook on sports and life, he will absolutely beat this! Jon has a tough road ahead of him, and he is  in our thoughts and prayers, but this is a challenge we know Jon will win. 

We would like to share a link to Jon’s webpage that provides more information and updates on his progress. It is also a great place for you to leave a message or drop a note of encouragement. –

We also want to share an upcoming Fund Raising Event organized by Jon’s family, and a link to Coach Farmer's Go Fund Me Page -